
The duties of the Recording department include the recording, indexing, and preserving of public documents, such as deeds and mortgages. We also record documents such as completed marriage certificates, judgments, liens, marks or brands, foreign entity registration, oaths of office, and certificates of incorporations (formation, termination, mergers, and registration), DD 214's, etc. This department provides viewing stations for the public to access the recorded information.

Other than probate documents and wills, most items recorded in the Coosa County Judge of Probate’s office since 1999 are available for electronic search.  All items recorded before 1999 are available in bound volumes (paper) in the Records Room.

In addition to the recording duties and responsibilities listed above, the recording office also renews driver license, administers oaths for affidavits, and provides notary service (no charge to Coosa county residents).

All public documents are available for viewing during normal office hours (M-F 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.).  There is no charge for viewing or research.  However, there is a nominal charge on $1.00 per page, single side for printed or scanned copies.

The probate staff will assist in showing visitors/customers where records are stored and will provide a quick overview on use of the computer for records research.  However, the probate staff is prohibited from conducting or assisting in research such as genealogy, title, etc.

The Coosa County Probate Office also provides access to available real property and court records dated after 3/1999 online.  Visit Https:// .Online recording service are provided by Simplifile. Fees for services are determined by the Online provider.